Drawing on a 95-year history of award-winning journalism, we operate at the intersection of editorial excellence, subject-matter expertise, industry access and creativity.
We partner with you to define and refine your objectives and use these insights to help you tell your story, your way.
content studio · research & data · custom events
Best-in-class talent ready to tell your story. Robust editorial and multimedia capabilities with content tailored to your business needs.
content studio · research & data · custom events
Position your company as a thought-leader using timely, relevant data. Sponsor data from our trusted research center, or let us develop an end-to-end solution for implementing your own market research.
content studio · research & data · custom events
Event experts develop programming, drive attendance and support logistics. Benefit from the halo effect of a live or virtual event powered by Automotive News.
To learn more, contact Megan McLellan, Marketing and Custom Content Manager, or Lyndsey Walworth, Events and Marketing Specialist.